Closing Marubozu results

Technical stock screener for Closing Marubozu results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 08, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
TRUP 23.06 -2.49 (-9.75%) 25.13 22.9801 681,058
FNA 9.50 -1.03 (-9.78%) 10.68 9.46 873,925
PACB 1.68 -0.19 (-10.16%) 1.839 1.66 7,675,471
NVCT 6.43 -0.76 (-10.57%) 7.00 6.41 182,961
CLVT 6.16 -0.79 (-11.37%) 7.30 6.15 7,039,615
SYT 3.41 -0.44 (-11.43%) 3.90 3.36 45,336
MOVE 0.40 -0.052 (-11.50%) 0.458 0.3994 104,283
AMRN 0.8629 -0.1122 (-11.51%) 0.9725 0.862 1,905,937
APM 4.50 -0.66 (-12.79%) 5.05 4.50 40,502
RENT 13.22 -2.01 (-13.20%) 15.094 13.09 218,007
CNTG 0.39 -0.06 (-13.33%) 0.4365 0.39 975,091
BCG 5.0679 -0.9321 (-15.54%) 5.67 5.0679 3,751
FGEN 1.13 -0.24 (-17.52%) 1.33 1.13 3,954,437
CIX 27.60 -6.58 (-19.25%) 32.20 27.60 26,256
ATEC 10.60 -2.98 (-21.94%) 12.12 10.59 9,064,428
DH 5.35 -1.90 (-26.21%) 5.355 4.38 5,269,088
AFIB 0.09 -0.033 (-26.83%) 0.113 0.09 2,649,462