Unique 3 River results

Technical stock screener for Unique 3 River results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for Dec 03, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
FINS 12.85 +0.04 (+0.31%) 12.90 12.8101 311,929
PABD 54.324 +0.614 (+1.14%) 54.324 54.31 3,000
PAX 12.01 +0.03 (+0.25%) 12.17 11.94 532,849
PRPO 5.9008 -0.0592 (-0.99%) 5.95 5.8593 2,081
RVLV 35.53 -0.70 (-1.93%) 36.79 34.82 1,352,571
VCTR 69.30 -0.31 (-0.45%) 70.1199 68.87 459,274