Kicking - bull/bear determined by the longer marubozu results

Technical stock screener for Kicking - bull/bear determined by the longer marubozu results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for Dec 05, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
EFAS 14.67 +0.25 (+1.73%) 14.67 14.62 626
LCG 31.61 -0.5584 (-1.74%) 32.03 31.61 9,257
LDEM 47.71 +0.34 (+0.72%) 47.71 47.61 1,100
MDCP 30.30 -0.2538 (-0.83%) 30.50 30.30 300
NFTY 59.55 +0.73 (+1.24%) 59.56 59.21 25,500
SYNB 30.5875 -0.6255 (-2.00%) 30.675 30.5875 162
SZNE 38.995 -0.302 (-0.77%) 39.15 38.995 3,171