Closing Price: Greater Than 100 results

Technical stock screener for Closing Price: Greater Than 100 results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
APPF 240.59 -6.21 (-2.52%) 248.75 238.01 169,364
WEX 198.21 -5.16 (-2.54%) 204.73 197.62 362,610
JBHT 164.80 -4.70 (-2.77%) 170.44 164.44 966,657
CAR 118.31 -3.43 (-2.82%) 121.99 117.44 843,291
RH 278.41 -8.15 (-2.84%) 287.0299 277.6401 467,605
ILMN 111.07 -3.33 (-2.91%) 113.84 110.65 1,036,235
ARGX 365.81 -11.02 (-2.92%) 376.32 364.24 109,975
DG 142.13 -4.45 (-3.04%) 145.37 141.20 2,744,046
BFAM 109.06 -3.57 (-3.17%) 113.125 108.791 461,995
DLTR 117.31 -3.96 (-3.27%) 120.89 117.15 2,307,062
LRCX 912.07 -31.05 (-3.29%) 954.8508 905.82 910,649
ARM 110.35 -3.83 (-3.35%) 115.68 109.6101 7,521,177
POWL 158.12 -5.49 (-3.36%) 165.1099 156.93 243,760
KRUS 111.46 -4.58 (-3.95%) 116.09 110.08 98,173
LABU 111.79 -5.62 (-4.79%) 119.0376 110.78 1,310,552
BAP 164.00 -8.61 (-4.99%) 164.8525 162.74 214,304
GLOB 167.75 -9.995 (-5.62%) 175.64 160.12 1,568,267
BH 200.00 -15.03 (-6.99%) 215.27 198.65 9,112
BH.A 973.35 -87.15 (-8.22%) 1,055.00 972.68 666