Volume Down 50% to 75% from 30-Periods Avg results

Technical stock screener for Volume Down 50% to 75% from 30-Periods Avg results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price ⇑ Change High Low Volume
VBR 184.24 +1.46 (+0.80%) 185.75 183.61 206,868
ESLT 202.33 +0.93 (+0.46%) 202.80 201.08 6,915
MMTM 223.256 +3.108 (+1.41%) 223.256 223.256 451
XSD 226.11 +4.98 (+2.25%) 228.42 225.04 17,712
VTHR 227.32 +2.77 (+1.23%) 227.72 226.50 8,903
APPF 239.11 +3.06 (+1.30%) 244.80 236.78 202,482
WIRE 283.04 +2.22 (+0.79%) 284.63 280.85 166,799
IWV 292.33 +3.56 (+1.23%) 293.53 291.15 57,823
SWAV 330.38 +0.38 (+0.12%) 331.00 330.00 810,028
LULU 355.15 +4.35 (+1.24%) 357.05 351.77 1,251,399
WINA 364.30 +3.73 (+1.03%) 365.24 362.46 8,057