Price Crossed Below MA(26) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Below MA(26) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇑ High Low Volume
EMFM 18.495 -0.0674 (-0.36%) 18.5425 18.495 545
GOAU 18.6898 -0.0602 (-0.32%) 18.99 18.63 11,751
CVX 160.25 -0.48 (-0.30%) 160.66 157.04 11,664,505
UUP 28.65 -0.08 (-0.28%) 28.695 28.55 847,945
CXW 15.26 -0.03 (-0.20%) 15.45 15.15 543,852
ALTY 11.28 -0.02 (-0.18%) 11.34 11.21 31,752
USG 27.0341 -0.0437 (-0.16%) 27.0341 26.9861 1,001
PGR 208.72 -0.31 (-0.15%) 209.26 204.65 2,150,779
AMPY 7.06 -0.01 (-0.14%) 7.1699 7.005 499,406
PVI 24.79 -0.035 (-0.14%) 24.8499 24.79 2,776
GLNG 24.92 -0.01 (-0.04%) 25.19 24.66 706,744
GXG 25.82 -0.01 (-0.04%) 26.321 25.7901 18,003
ONCT 8.745 +0.00 (+0.00%) 8.745 8.745 337