Price Crossed Below MA(26) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Below MA(26) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇑ Volume
DDOG 124.27 -1.19 (-0.95%) 127.88 123.53 3,875,595
MRK 127.51 -0.75 (-0.58%) 128.48 127.18 6,221,928
ARES 131.91 -2.73 (-2.03%) 135.745 131.80 1,085,269
LNG 157.54 -3.09 (-1.92%) 163.626 155.31 3,770,971
CVX 160.25 -0.48 (-0.30%) 160.66 157.04 11,664,505
ITIC 159.34 -2.84 (-1.75%) 163.90 159.34 3,629
UHS 167.70 -2.19 (-1.29%) 171.79 167.535 597,904
PGR 208.72 -0.31 (-0.15%) 209.26 204.65 2,150,779
ALX 213.80 -3.45 (-1.59%) 220.29 213.07 13,443
BDX 234.68 -5.67 (-2.36%) 242.29 234.13 1,722,353
CB 248.54 -1.71 (-0.68%) 250.45 244.84 1,444,072
MCD 270.32 -2.96 (-1.08%) 274.62 268.89 2,641,467
CASY 313.92 -2.66 (-0.84%) 317.695 313.67 244,078