Price Below MA20 Over 5 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Price Below MA20 Over 5 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇓
SDD 17.8393 +0.2128 (+1.21%) 17.8599 17.8393 765
CREV 11.03 -1.43 (-11.48%) 11.03 11.03 763
DXR 9.55 -0.15 (-1.55%) 9.9599 9.50 720
FRAF 26.57 -0.18 (-0.67%) 26.57 26.57 697
IMRN 2.32 +0.01 (+0.43%) 2.32 2.31 695
MYY 19.9991 +0.1791 (+0.90%) 19.9991 19.9991 553
MZZ 10.81 +0.19 (+1.79%) 10.85 10.81 500
TRES 17.23 -0.01 (-0.06%) 17.24 17.23 473
BCG 4.7998 -0.0502 (-1.04%) 4.7998 4.7998 461
SZK 13.18 -0.30 (-2.23%) 13.18 13.17 400
GBNY 10.10 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.10 10.10 400
FLSA 36.9263 +0.1113 (+0.30%) 36.9263 36.88 313
DIT 155.29 +0.27 (+0.17%) 157.01 152.00 306
ELSE 4.0901 +0.03 (+0.74%) 4.0901 4.0901 298
KFFB 3.48 -0.1213 (-3.37%) 3.48 3.48 266
EEV 16.9354 -0.1396 (-0.82%) 16.9354 16.8901 206
BEDZ 28.1812 -0.2138 (-0.75%) 28.1812 28.1812 193
RXD 10.5625 +0.0125 (+0.12%) 10.5625 10.5625 141
YIBO 2.00 -0.0216 (-1.07%) 2.00 2.00 104
BNIX 10.94 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.94 10.94 104
SBB 15.7737 +0.0637 (+0.41%) 15.7737 15.7737 62
BRLS 4.00 +0.00 (+0.00%) 4.00 4.00 39
CPII 19.63 +0.12 (+0.62%) 19.63 19.63 18
AQU 10.95 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.95 10.95 0
SWSS 10.52 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.52 10.52 0
PTWO 13.02 +0.00 (+0.00%) 13.02 13.02 0
CFFS 10.84 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.84 10.84 0
NBSE 0.378 +0.00 (+0.00%) 0.378 0.378 0