Momentum Falling Over 3 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Falling Over 3 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for Apr 30, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇑ Low Volume
GS 426.71 -4.10 (-0.95%) 431.39 426.00 1,830,134
ADBE 462.83 -10.24 (-2.16%) 475.42 462.46 3,222,618
UNH 483.70 -5.33 (-1.09%) 489.71 482.59 3,367,521
ROP 511.46 -2.12 (-0.41%) 513.19 508.37 901,777
ELV 528.58 -5.40 (-1.01%) 534.60 527.11 950,280
MCK 537.21 +1.12 (+0.21%) 539.19 533.75 795,069
DECK 818.47 -13.96 (-1.68%) 834.445 815.59 291,179
ASML 872.47 -37.30 (-4.10%) 907.18 871.22 1,092,300
BH.A 999.85 -5.15 (-0.51%) 1,004.00 985.00 355
FCNCA 1,686.76 -20.72 (-1.21%) 1,716.00 1,675.22 95,239
WTM 1,778.14 +9.7099 (+0.55%) 1,780.11 1,768.4301 9,900