Price Below MA20 Over 5 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Price Below MA20 Over 5 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
MWG 0.3054 -0.0092 (-2.92%) 0.3199 0.3054 21,005
INUV 0.3055 -0.004 (-1.29%) 0.3199 0.3055 218,546
GLYC 0.2994 +0.0183 (+6.51%) 0.31 0.283 2,713,268
SBEV 0.283 +0.0005 (+0.18%) 0.31 0.2705 236,121
KZIA 0.2822 -0.0068 (-2.35%) 0.2998 0.282 45,495
TPET 0.2796 -0.0047 (-1.65%) 0.2875 0.2638 3,544,286
RBT 0.259 -0.0004 (-0.15%) 0.28 0.25 1,362,937
PXMD 0.2401 -0.0239 (-9.05%) 0.275 0.222 86,563
LPTV 0.2713 +0.0243 (+9.84%) 0.2719 0.2444 165,485
ZCAR 0.245 -0.014 (-5.41%) 0.269 0.225 679,400
AZTR 0.182 -0.017 (-8.54%) 0.266 0.182 11,767,000
MGRX 0.241 +0.0231 (+10.60%) 0.2573 0.2155 1,235,351
SXTP 0.2249 +0.0099 (+4.60%) 0.2545 0.22 1,276,379
SPCB 0.2128 +0.0058 (+2.80%) 0.243 0.2025 11,148,727
TKLF 0.2179 -0.0043 (-1.94%) 0.238 0.211 652,777
STSS 0.2199 +0.0039 (+1.81%) 0.2297 0.2061 161,149
VLD 0.2184 -0.0049 (-2.19%) 0.229 0.216 3,622,020
LUCY 0.198 -0.0017 (-0.85%) 0.22 0.185 1,198,416
NCNC 0.1847 +0.0027 (+1.48%) 0.215 0.1805 766,607
MTNB 0.17 -0.0034 (-1.96%) 0.18 0.1698 1,428,481
ISUN 0.1462 -0.0158 (-9.75%) 0.18 0.1441 5,185,718
AGRI 0.1033 -0.0046 (-4.26%) 0.155 0.09 42,184,838
PSNYW 0.1467 +0.0046 (+3.24%) 0.15 0.1421 111,405
HLTH 0.0964 -0.0212 (-18.03%) 0.135 0.09 38,703,210
VAXX 0.081 +0.027 (+50.00%) 0.0925 0.055 1,239,417
AFIB 0.059 +0.0109 (+22.66%) 0.0728 0.0415 1,333,166
EGOX 0.0196 +0.0149 (+317.02%) 0.025 0.0056 4,409,657
MGAM 0.02 -0.002 (-9.09%) 0.023 0.02 33,900