Momentum Falling Over 5 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Falling Over 5 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume
VTSI 10.11 -0.35 (-3.35%) 10.94 9.65 458,141
VYGR 8.43 -0.20 (-2.32%) 8.67 8.35 529,956
WEAT 6.09 -0.08 (-1.30%) 6.19 6.08 558,406
WKSP 0.6372 -0.0837 (-11.61%) 0.65 0.60 466,346
WOW 4.83 +0.03 (+0.63%) 4.945 4.795 321,445
XLO 1.14 +0.055 (+5.07%) 1.18 1.06 106,920
XTKG 0.7702 -0.0168 (-2.13%) 0.7789 0.72 69,407
YMAB 11.60 -0.24 (-2.03%) 12.02 11.50 376,368
YTEN 2.11 -0.77 (-26.74%) 2.44 2.11 27,515
ZOOZ 2.44 -0.04 (-1.61%) 2.64 2.38 50,987