Momentum Falling Over 5 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Falling Over 5 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
CRIS 11.80 -0.81 (-6.42%) 12.66 11.25 27,005
CPOP 1.80 -0.125 (-6.49%) 1.96 1.7401 97,057
LVTX 2.64 -0.19 (-6.71%) 2.777 2.62 47,187
PBYI 4.095 -0.315 (-7.14%) 4.97 4.08 1,524,019
GNSS 1.73 -0.16 (-8.47%) 1.94 1.6901 179,332
JAGX 0.2585 -0.0268 (-9.39%) 0.275 0.2583 58,064,970
VCSA 4.165 -0.525 (-11.19%) 4.79 4.16 189,291
WKSP 0.6372 -0.0837 (-11.61%) 0.65 0.60 466,346
DMTK 0.4995 -0.0747 (-13.01%) 0.5934 0.4884 659,852
YTEN 2.11 -0.77 (-26.74%) 2.44 2.11 27,515