Gravestone Doji results

Technical stock screener for Gravestone Doji results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 02, 2024.

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Symbol ⇓ Price Change High Low Volume
BANX 18.40 -0.02 (-0.11%) 18.5099 18.38 7,865
BACK 3.62 -0.06 (-1.63%) 3.7842 3.5601 85,552
AXIL 11.20 -0.0501 (-0.45%) 11.8544 11.20 1,044
ATNF 2.00 +0.01 (+0.50%) 2.10 1.96 21,000
ARMP 2.49 +0.09 (+3.75%) 2.5867 2.46 6,863
AQMS 0.4651 -0.0009 (-0.19%) 0.4798 0.4651 191,940
APTO 1.19 -0.02 (-1.65%) 1.2125 1.19 32,312
AMK 33.95 +0.01 (+0.03%) 34.40 33.92 1,235,254
ADTH 3.24 +0.005 (+0.15%) 3.26 3.24 571,380
ABL 11.88 +0.18 (+1.54%) 12.10 11.88 19,594
AACG 0.9008 +0.0009 (+0.10%) 0.92 0.90 10,617