Gravestone Doji results

Technical stock screener for Gravestone Doji results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 02, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇑ Volume
CSHI 49.80 +0.00 (+0.00%) 49.82 49.80 92,300
RFDI 63.2448 +0.8548 (+1.37%) 63.36 63.2199 1,684
TTE 71.40 -0.28 (-0.39%) 72.05 71.30 1,322,311
RXL 94.8977 -0.4223 (-0.44%) 95.21 94.85 1,137
KOF 97.57 -0.92 (-0.93%) 98.8037 97.3637 189,249
MINT 100.21 +0.03 (+0.03%) 100.23 100.21 1,287,450
CHCO 104.76 +0.78 (+0.75%) 105.79 104.53 82,486
DOOR 132.70 +0.08 (+0.06%) 132.75 132.65 822,473
PXD 269.62 +1.96 (+0.73%) 272.23 269.141 4,935,257
OIH 311.86 +3.43 (+1.11%) 314.34 310.49 205,600
DJCO 360.15 +6.55 (+1.85%) 361.75 360.00 5,770