Gravestone Doji results

Technical stock screener for Gravestone Doji results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 02, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇑ High Low Volume
TVGN 0.9862 +0.0162 (+1.67%) 1.0299 0.97 80,657
GXTG 23.31 +0.39 (+1.70%) 23.374 23.29 2,600
GNFT 3.50 +0.0606 (+1.76%) 3.52 3.49 1,388
ZAPP 2.535 +0.045 (+1.81%) 2.69 2.3801 130,146
DJCO 360.15 +6.55 (+1.85%) 361.75 360.00 5,770
NAAS 0.9483 +0.0173 (+1.86%) 0.9729 0.941 549,333
ETON 3.75 +0.07 (+1.90%) 3.92 3.7234 69,161
FNWB 10.51 +0.31 (+3.04%) 10.60 10.47 7,967
ARMP 2.49 +0.09 (+3.75%) 2.5867 2.46 6,863
GBR 1.2305 +0.0505 (+4.28%) 1.26 1.22 10,966
TCRT 1.36 +0.07 (+5.43%) 1.42 1.345 28,997