Change Up 5% results

Technical stock screener for Change Up 5% results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 16, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
ASTI 0.158 +0.048 (+43.64%) 0.1953 0.1145 44,650,187
NCPL 0.1797 +0.0518 (+40.50%) 0.195 0.125 23,467,087
ZOM 0.1841 +0.0151 (+8.93%) 0.1941 0.169 30,008,661
OBLG 0.1886 +0.0371 (+24.49%) 0.19 0.133 8,978,297
VERB 0.1511 +0.0141 (+10.29%) 0.1885 0.1346 44,555,039
PEGY 0.145 +0.0581 (+66.86%) 0.183 0.1253 446,267,079
NCNC 0.182 +0.012 (+7.06%) 0.182 0.1695 380,666
NLSP 0.155 +0.009 (+6.16%) 0.18 0.148 1,332,707
BRSH 0.131 +0.0584 (+80.44%) 0.179 0.0815 147,000,713
CYN 0.128 +0.0422 (+49.18%) 0.178 0.1181 333,645,902
ISUN 0.162 +0.0191 (+13.37%) 0.172 0.1354 5,449,681
AKAN 0.129 +0.025 (+24.04%) 0.1706 0.0987 80,998,422
SVMH 0.1628 +0.0404 (+33.01%) 0.169 0.1362 5,379,756
SLNA 0.134 +0.0116 (+9.48%) 0.164 0.09 250,369,813
SMX 0.146 +0.022 (+17.74%) 0.1639 0.126 11,290,420
WHLR 0.1401 +0.0179 (+14.65%) 0.1549 0.1209 2,773,292
KTRA 0.1451 +0.014 (+10.68%) 0.1525 0.1282 12,247,746
ONCO 0.1392 +0.0272 (+24.29%) 0.149 0.124 1,932,705
BURU 0.1389 +0.0274 (+24.57%) 0.1481 0.126 11,629,179
BSFC 0.1343 +0.0698 (+108.22%) 0.146 0.0732 162,972,038
HSCS 0.1131 +0.0232 (+25.81%) 0.1332 0.0834 37,849,201
NBY 0.1214 +0.0169 (+16.17%) 0.1258 0.093 30,148,413
SCPX 0.105 +0.025 (+31.25%) 0.1175 0.0836 53,924,342