Price Crossed Below MA(13) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Below MA(13) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 06, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume
VFF 1.22 -0.12 (-8.96%) 1.38 1.21 1,351,242
VGAS 4.55 -0.23 (-4.81%) 4.75 4.55 957
VICR 33.50 -0.46 (-1.35%) 34.565 33.32 167,423
VIVK 1.20 -0.07 (-5.51%) 1.31 1.20 17,057
VNRX 0.78 -0.1109 (-12.45%) 0.89 0.78 181,700
VOR 1.75 -0.05 (-2.78%) 1.82 1.72 108,563
VRNA 14.95 -0.74 (-4.72%) 15.69 14.72 589,776
VTNR 1.36 -0.01 (-0.73%) 1.49 1.33 1,688,719
VVOS 2.38 -0.25 (-9.51%) 2.637 2.37 105,000
VVPR 3.60 -0.16 (-4.26%) 4.63 3.5691 762,735
WAFU 1.87 -0.03 (-1.58%) 1.89 1.8201 3,009
WBA 17.26 -0.55 (-3.09%) 17.92 17.24 11,415,463
WDAY 249.91 -5.87 (-2.29%) 252.11 247.18 2,858,344
WEN 19.17 -0.77 (-3.86%) 20.13 19.15 4,511,008
WFCF 11.83 -0.17 (-1.42%) 12.00 11.83 2,408
WGO 62.24 -0.51 (-0.81%) 63.94 62.02 461,083
XBIO 3.96 -0.31 (-7.26%) 4.1926 3.81 10,574
XGN 1.38 -0.02 (-1.43%) 1.41 1.38 14,694
YJ 0.7713 -0.0087 (-1.12%) 0.79 0.7203 5,181
YUMC 37.69 -0.72 (-1.87%) 38.358 37.32 2,031,289
ZEO 4.53 -0.3784 (-7.71%) 4.815 4.53 13,432
ZSL 13.55 -1.00 (-6.87%) 13.7999 13.49 1,059,047