Consecutive Winners 4 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Consecutive Winners 4 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇓ Volume
TLSA 0.744 +0.0641 (+9.43%) 0.76 0.671 109,991
ESGL 0.70 +0.031 (+4.63%) 0.72 0.65 67,108
NA 0.61 +0.0111 (+1.85%) 0.6629 0.59 531,942
WLGS 0.66 +0.08 (+13.79%) 0.67 0.58 349,900
KPRX 0.57 +0.002 (+0.35%) 0.60 0.523 152,650
SLRX 0.4945 +0.0355 (+7.73%) 0.50 0.461 42,883
LGHL 0.474 +0.0009 (+0.19%) 0.52 0.46 679,912
TCJH 0.479 +0.01 (+2.13%) 0.50 0.4456 533,435
JZXN 0.44 +0.0419 (+10.52%) 0.51 0.402 1,598,363
AIM 0.403 +0.0014 (+0.35%) 0.426 0.3968 274,617
SNTI 0.382 +0.004 (+1.06%) 0.41 0.3759 64,661
JFBR 0.648 +0.342 (+111.76%) 0.73 0.315 37,972,317
WLDS 0.33 +0.007 (+2.17%) 0.3398 0.3101 454,487
INM 0.2949 +0.0175 (+6.31%) 0.325 0.2715 2,296,661
GPAK 0.2397 +0.0132 (+5.83%) 0.2573 0.23 184,901
ADD 0.253 +0.022 (+9.52%) 0.295 0.2012 1,155,289
GRTX 0.196 +0.0007 (+0.36%) 0.233 0.194 981,387
NCNC 0.1847 +0.0027 (+1.48%) 0.215 0.1805 766,607
AKAN 0.1726 +0.0436 (+33.80%) 0.594 0.156 566,742,538
SMX 0.1507 +0.0047 (+3.22%) 0.1923 0.1457 12,592,428
TPHS 0.1407 +0.0004 (+0.29%) 0.17 0.1407 3,306,895