Stock Breakout 30 Days Low results

Technical stock screener for Stock Breakout 30 Days Low results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume
TRMB 55.93 -4.16 (-6.92%) 60.265 55.435 3,315,510
TRNR 0.169 -0.0083 (-4.68%) 0.1817 0.1565 293,988
TRUP 19.85 -3.93 (-16.53%) 24.48 19.69 2,330,524
TRVG 2.41 -0.10 (-3.98%) 2.53 2.40 72,403
UGA 67.70 -1.03 (-1.50%) 68.78 67.521 107,584
UNIT 4.44 -1.59 (-26.37%) 5.79 4.17 21,005,487
USE 36.9894 -0.2362 (-0.63%) 37.15 36.9894 1,301
USL 38.78 -0.2072 (-0.53%) 39.00 38.755 11,494
USO 75.13 -0.80 (-1.05%) 75.92 75.02 2,863,983
VIAV 7.56 -0.46 (-5.74%) 7.93 7.10 4,038,279
VREX 15.59 -0.84 (-5.11%) 16.04 14.56 1,029,331
VTRU 12.0801 -0.2499 (-2.03%) 12.575 12.08 9,283
WEAV 8.32 -0.33 (-3.82%) 8.92 8.10 1,738,973
WETH 1.6008 -0.1212 (-7.04%) 1.7692 1.57 55,333
XPEL 32.07 -0.79 (-2.40%) 33.52 30.75 1,281,663
XPOF 11.53 -1.90 (-14.15%) 13.71 11.22 1,694,473
XRAY 28.29 -0.09 (-0.32%) 29.06 27.96 4,167,115
YANG 7.73 -0.22 (-2.77%) 7.97 7.72 8,812,101
YUM 134.34 -0.73 (-0.54%) 135.975 133.92 2,452,523
YXI 16.5686 -0.1229 (-0.74%) 16.69 16.559 247,395
ZAPP 1.91 -0.625 (-24.65%) 2.8701 1.8585 1,218,182
ZEUS 57.55 -6.13 (-9.63%) 64.15 56.125 145,977