Price in +/- 5% Channel During Last 60 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Price in +/- 5% Channel During Last 60 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 16, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
MNA 31.25 -0.10 (-0.32%) 31.32 31.20 61,080
FDHY 48.06 -0.16 (-0.33%) 48.11 48.06 44,692
BAB 26.46 -0.09 (-0.34%) 26.535 26.445 127,519
EMB 89.57 -0.31 (-0.34%) 89.95 89.57 3,590,592
PTRB 41.205 -0.145 (-0.35%) 41.205 41.205 17,694
VMBS 45.275 -0.165 (-0.36%) 45.44 45.275 802,172
MBB 91.69 -0.34 (-0.37%) 92.10 91.67 2,792,672
SPMB 21.535 -0.085 (-0.39%) 21.62 21.535 456,187
IXAQ 11.295 -0.045 (-0.40%) 11.295 11.295 3,112
FINS 12.44 -0.05 (-0.40%) 12.44 12.42 34,307
JMBS 44.63 -0.18 (-0.40%) 44.84 44.63 474,326
NUV 8.655 -0.035 (-0.40%) 8.67 8.64 198,106
EVF 6.40 -0.03 (-0.47%) 6.40 6.37 83,158
IBND 29.15 -0.14 (-0.48%) 29.20 29.14 5,142
FTLS 61.305 -0.295 (-0.48%) 61.43 61.305 43,252
MSSA 11.22 -0.06 (-0.53%) 11.22 11.22 944
ACAC 11.21 -0.08 (-0.71%) 11.21 11.21 326
FIAX 19.25 -0.14 (-0.72%) 19.265 19.25 20,026
BCSA 11.13 -0.10 (-0.89%) 11.13 11.13 3,196
XFLT 7.08 -0.07 (-0.98%) 7.12 7.08 535,843
OCAX 11.06 -0.115 (-1.03%) 11.27 11.06 7,742
AEAE 11.17 -0.13 (-1.15%) 11.20 11.17 10,859
FTF 6.275 -0.085 (-1.34%) 6.29 6.265 233,998
PHD 9.77 -0.15 (-1.51%) 9.82 9.77 53,208