Volume Up Greater Than 200% from Last results

Technical stock screener for Volume Up Greater Than 200% from Last results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume
XBIO 4.27 +0.37 (+9.49%) 4.27 3.814 5,712
XCOR 60.2308 +1.0708 (+1.81%) 60.3201 59.72 6,235
XHE 85.99 +1.133 (+1.34%) 86.315 85.79 36,406
XHS 88.5412 +0.1017 (+0.11%) 89.60 88.1561 4,191
XHYC 37.06 +0.185 (+0.50%) 37.06 36.9913 183
XHYF 36.865 +0.175 (+0.48%) 36.865 36.865 90
XHYI 37.61 +0.1706 (+0.46%) 37.61 37.61 110
XNAV 62.2492 +1.1918 (+1.95%) 62.33 61.81 1,559
XTEN 45.19 +0.3431 (+0.77%) 45.42 45.02 1,426,278
XTNT 0.85 -0.0139 (-1.61%) 0.904 0.83 275,023
XTRE 48.43 +0.15 (+0.31%) 48.47 48.38 12,834
XXCH 26.5233 +0.4082 (+1.56%) 26.5233 26.45 250
YHGJ 1.35 +0.00 (+0.00%) 1.35 1.35 788
YOSH 3.82 +0.08 (+2.14%) 4.00 3.72 7,596
YTRA 1.44 -0.03 (-2.04%) 1.49 1.44 271,823
YXI 16.5686 -0.1229 (-0.74%) 16.69 16.559 247,395
YYY 11.86 +0.12 (+1.02%) 11.86 11.75 753,813
ZAPP 1.91 -0.625 (-24.65%) 2.8701 1.8585 1,218,182
ZDGE 2.62 +0.205 (+8.49%) 2.7699 2.52 72,436
ZEO 4.9084 +0.3984 (+8.83%) 4.9494 4.52 4,594
ZHDG 18.33 +0.235 (+1.30%) 18.33 18.23 19,996
ZKIN 0.6625 -0.014 (-2.07%) 0.677 0.652 9,062
ZTEN 49.0843 +0.3197 (+0.66%) 49.11 49.04 1,305
ZTRE 49.7491 +0.1341 (+0.27%) 49.81 49.74 1,602
ABEO 4.60 +0.53 (+13.02%) 5.11 4.34 2,685,579
ZTWO 49.865 +0.083 (+0.17%) 49.87 49.865 537
ACAC 11.26 +0.06 (+0.54%) 11.26 11.25 27,315