Closing Price: 5 to 10 results

Technical stock screener for Closing Price: 5 to 10 results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 09, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
AILE 7.77 -1.12 (-12.60%) 8.91 7.6905 50,932
FNA 8.25 -1.25 (-13.16%) 8.70 7.61 1,940,526
TTEC 7.145 -1.115 (-13.50%) 8.19 7.065 1,060,077
BYND 7.03 -1.18 (-14.37%) 7.59 6.92 4,069,307
EHAB 8.29 -1.41 (-14.54%) 8.86 7.545 3,215,621
ACEL 9.91 -1.70 (-14.64%) 11.375 9.54 1,507,186
ESOA 6.95 -1.21 (-14.83%) 7.76 6.86 362,821
ALTG 9.81 -1.78 (-15.36%) 10.92 9.05 1,681,655
AISP 5.33 -0.98 (-15.53%) 5.735 4.98 1,083,538
BGSF 7.70 -1.43 (-15.66%) 7.74 6.65 238,753
IRWD 6.74 -1.38 (-17.00%) 7.22 6.21 7,359,009
TIXT 6.36 -1.41 (-18.15%) 7.74 6.35 1,056,104
SANA 7.50 -1.99 (-20.97%) 9.43 7.26 5,685,457
BLZE 7.50 -2.41 (-24.32%) 9.44 7.30 2,221,545
LFMD 9.30 -3.03 (-24.57%) 10.695 9.28 3,497,982
BGS 8.28 -3.27 (-28.31%) 10.33 8.17 6,838,118
SKYT 6.65 -3.22 (-32.62%) 8.68 6.44 2,615,538
CRNC 6.28 -3.28 (-34.31%) 8.20 6.24 3,916,228
CDLX 9.27 -5.33 (-36.51%) 10.13 7.72 9,162,261
NPCE 7.97 -4.63 (-36.75%) 12.42 7.96 452,600