Advance Block results

Technical stock screener for Advance Block results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 07, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇑ Volume
WBUY 0.47 +0.0309 (+7.04%) 0.4818 0.42 392,243
DZSI 1.35 +0.08 (+6.30%) 1.42 1.21 274,211
EQ 1.78 +0.06 (+3.49%) 1.81 1.74 74,288
OPRT 3.65 +0.05 (+1.39%) 3.705 3.55 310,116
AMPS 4.50 +0.08 (+1.81%) 4.60 4.39 1,041,440
VGI 7.51 +0.03 (+0.40%) 7.54 7.49 25,600
FBLG 9.22 +0.48 (+5.49%) 9.455 8.00 48,436
VTEX 8.13 +0.05 (+0.62%) 8.24 8.01 529,112
WKME 8.31 +0.10 (+1.22%) 8.34 8.10 79,616
IE 11.24 +0.16 (+1.44%) 11.41 10.99 247,342
FLC 15.32 +0.02 (+0.13%) 15.38 15.28 37,300
AFK 15.505 +0.005 (+0.03%) 15.5558 15.44 9,677
TTMI 17.59 +0.08 (+0.46%) 17.96 17.50 780,483
NPFD 17.59 +0.05 (+0.29%) 17.63 17.501 36,600
STNC 29.1332 +0.0029 (+0.01%) 29.1332 29.04 6,754
USAP 29.98 +0.24 (+0.81%) 30.30 29.58 139,230
SKWD 37.61 +0.01 (+0.03%) 38.33 37.37 2,493,608
FUN 40.46 +0.11 (+0.27%) 40.48 39.8939 76,602
FORM 56.03 +0.76 (+1.38%) 56.98 55.21 705,761
CNXN 62.56 +0.49 (+0.79%) 63.26 61.95 68,323
W 69.55 +1.11 (+1.62%) 69.68 66.47 5,802,200
LMAT 75.90 +0.90 (+1.20%) 76.19 74.21 253,869
GLOB 193.91 +2.97 (+1.56%) 195.22 190.81 761,877
NSIT 200.13 +0.21 (+0.11%) 204.02 199.5548 209,583