Price Above MA(13) results

Technical stock screener for Price Above MA(13) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
MYSZ 5.01 -0.68 (-11.95%) 5.4774 4.60 87,981
UCAR 6.37 -0.89 (-12.26%) 7.4203 6.03 156,036
SPWR 2.85 -0.415 (-12.71%) 3.2488 2.71 12,870,438
OBLG 0.163 -0.0256 (-13.57%) 0.1899 0.1511 4,711,789
DPRO 0.265 -0.0504 (-15.98%) 0.294 0.2586 2,738,542
SLNA 0.11 -0.024 (-17.91%) 0.205 0.0951 212,543,833
PZG 0.5088 -0.1156 (-18.51%) 0.6799 0.5088 1,269,397
ASTI 0.1242 -0.0338 (-21.39%) 0.18 0.117 22,023,462
BCAN 1.1107 -0.3243 (-22.60%) 1.44 1.01 8,135,800
LIDR 2.44 -0.73 (-23.03%) 2.9899 2.32 1,576,406
NCPL 0.1315 -0.0482 (-26.82%) 0.1797 0.1314 10,660,588
PEGY 0.1054 -0.0396 (-27.31%) 0.2149 0.0925 219,254,700
EJH 0.6979 -0.3321 (-32.24%) 0.8497 0.67 3,213,141
FFIE 1.03 -0.61 (-37.20%) 3.90 0.90 1,310,160,535
SINT 0.085 -0.0546 (-39.11%) 0.1559 0.0726 155,835,194
BSFC 0.0758 -0.0585 (-43.56%) 0.1245 0.0711 60,090,478
CRKN 0.171 -0.2233 (-56.63%) 0.60 0.141 1,735,175,146