Most Volatile Stocks results

Technical stock screener for Most Volatile Stocks results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 01, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
TOMZ 0.5868 -0.0232 (-3.80%) 0.63 0.529 25,034
LXEH 0.447 -0.052 (-10.42%) 0.55 0.433 320,700
MNTS 0.517 +0.037 (+7.71%) 0.55 0.46 368,892
AUMN 0.473 -0.0213 (-4.31%) 0.5351 0.4259 370,656
RGF 0.49 +0.2064 (+72.78%) 0.50 0.2751 4,668,052
OST 0.4303 +0.0103 (+2.45%) 0.4941 0.42 397,765
JZXN 0.414 +0.009 (+2.22%) 0.439 0.3338 915,315
ALCE 0.3848 +0.0443 (+13.01%) 0.4001 0.3101 4,830,735
AAGR 0.3798 +0.0353 (+10.25%) 0.3874 0.3222 199,418
FUV 0.36 -0.02 (-5.26%) 0.3845 0.20 380,670
CSSE 0.3417 +0.0603 (+21.43%) 0.375 0.2801 8,318,817
WRNT 0.324 +0.0241 (+8.04%) 0.37 0.2872 148,216
ATPC 0.2995 +0.0516 (+20.81%) 0.32 0.237 454,236
GETR 0.235 +0.0323 (+15.93%) 0.31 0.21 60,605,857
ADD 0.2141 -0.0101 (-4.50%) 0.22 0.1823 124,103
CRKN 0.0488 -0.0011 (-2.20%) 0.0569 0.048 10,570,565
EGOX 0.011 -0.0196 (-64.05%) 0.014 0.0061 11,863,269