Momentum Rising Over 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Rising Over 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 06, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇓
MLCO 7.37 +0.13 (+1.80%) 7.5263 7.34 3,881,126
VFS 3.08 +0.19 (+6.57%) 3.19 2.89 3,406,268
PWFL 5.21 +0.22 (+4.41%) 5.28 4.9517 1,787,561
CSIQ 17.36 +0.57 (+3.39%) 17.44 16.81 1,468,600
IRBT 9.13 -0.30 (-3.18%) 9.50 8.97 1,117,552
WWD 173.15 +4.32 (+2.56%) 173.99 169.415 1,053,906
AMPS 4.42 +0.07 (+1.61%) 4.48 4.31 1,006,596
SEM 32.11 +0.68 (+2.16%) 32.36 31.25 997,299
FREY 1.79 -0.01 (-0.56%) 1.87 1.77 888,808
LEV 1.06 +0.03 (+2.91%) 1.095 1.035 737,199
GPCR 39.74 +0.45 (+1.15%) 41.66 39.45 639,666
EBR 7.81 +0.03 (+0.39%) 7.91 7.77 602,647
ETNB 9.59 +0.37 (+4.01%) 9.74 9.19 589,571
NOTV 4.77 +0.50 (+11.71%) 4.78 4.30 398,567
TTEK 212.12 +4.37 (+2.10%) 215.44 209.24 329,208
GMS 96.49 +1.17 (+1.23%) 97.08 95.98 238,776
BIO 281.97 +2.14 (+0.76%) 284.88 280.00 207,587
SYNA 91.20 +0.89 (+0.99%) 91.8276 89.835 173,163
GNPX 2.614 +0.174 (+7.13%) 2.72 2.35 77,631
PTSI 17.26 +0.02 (+0.12%) 17.595 17.22 7,485
EEMD 18.8853 +0.1314 (+0.70%) 18.94 18.8853 5,971