Dragonfly Doji results

Technical stock screener for Dragonfly Doji results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 14, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
IHT 1.2957 -0.0043 (-0.33%) 1.2957 1.25 2,986
CPRT 54.40 -0.19 (-0.35%) 54.48 53.80 5,176,700
LAKE 17.15 -0.06 (-0.35%) 17.215 16.88 12,668
GBAB 15.80 -0.06 (-0.38%) 15.82 15.75 52,000
OSG 6.69 -0.03 (-0.45%) 6.705 6.61 516,879
SNDA 32.56 -0.15 (-0.46%) 32.65 32.2596 9,721
BLW 13.70 -0.07 (-0.51%) 13.71 13.61 115,600
SYT 2.86 -0.02 (-0.69%) 2.90 2.75 8,764
KGEI 3.10 -0.03 (-0.96%) 3.1001 3.00 17,854
PPIH 9.12 -0.11 (-1.19%) 9.14 8.97 2,246
QFIN 20.71 -0.26 (-1.24%) 20.77 20.30 935,196
CNXT 23.8896 -0.3151 (-1.30%) 23.8995 23.855 3,545
PDD 138.69 -1.85 (-1.32%) 139.11 136.80 6,569,600
ZTAX 26.3002 -0.4154 (-1.55%) 26.40 25.15 2,287
CORZ 3.58 -0.06 (-1.65%) 3.605 3.46 2,573,875
KB 57.98 -1.02 (-1.73%) 58.05 57.31 169,241
AHG 0.6634 -0.0166 (-2.44%) 0.6677 0.6113 19,862
BHM 17.2199 -0.4501 (-2.55%) 17.2368 17.13 1,630
PRTG 0.261 -0.008 (-2.97%) 0.2651 0.25 145,050
FLNT 3.97 -0.26 (-6.15%) 3.97 3.82 16,112