Thrusting Pattern results

Technical stock screener for Thrusting Pattern results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 07, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
TBLL 105.56 +0.01 (+0.01%) 105.57 105.53 53,850
LPG 42.27 +0.27 (+0.64%) 42.7209 41.00 778,064
PKOH 25.85 +0.25 (+0.98%) 26.465 25.41 16,794
COAL 23.8105 +0.077 (+0.32%) 23.88 23.71 1,177
BAFN 12.65 +0.02 (+0.16%) 12.75 12.62 12,170
TOPS 12.31 +0.02 (+0.16%) 12.375 12.1931 8,503
HTLD 10.94 +0.04 (+0.37%) 11.00 10.86 497,311
TECS 8.08 +0.08 (+1.00%) 8.09 7.93 9,122,621
TK 7.67 +0.03 (+0.39%) 7.74 7.5898 646,960
VIAV 7.435 +0.07 (+0.95%) 7.56 7.23 3,205,142
TDCX 7.10 +0.02 (+0.28%) 7.11 7.02 65,505
MBRX 5.09 +0.05 (+0.99%) 5.44 4.85 101,187
GNFT 3.55 +0.02 (+0.57%) 3.74 3.50 6,729
NRSN 1.29 +0.02 (+1.57%) 1.49 1.20 406,483
GRNQ 1.235 +0.0051 (+0.41%) 1.27 1.19 8,005
GMM 1.06 +0.05 (+4.95%) 1.06 0.94 349,466
ME 0.4976 +0.011 (+2.26%) 0.5073 0.4761 3,318,636
MGAM 0.0325 +0.0015 (+4.84%) 0.035 0.0279 186,735