Price Below MA20 Over 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Price Below MA20 Over 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇓
LDWY 5.415 +0.1255 (+2.37%) 5.415 5.415 1,438
TAP.A 61.85 +1.85 (+3.08%) 61.85 61.85 1,400
SMN 7.1336 -0.1014 (-1.40%) 7.21 7.1336 1,385
BTBD 1.32 -0.06 (-4.35%) 1.38 1.32 1,329
WVVI 4.21 -0.09 (-2.09%) 4.36 4.21 1,210
BIS 17.59 +0.20 (+1.15%) 17.60 17.56 1,200
SIJ 9.5267 +0.0167 (+0.18%) 9.5899 9.5267 1,175
VSTE 2.88 -0.10 (-3.36%) 2.9499 2.88 1,116
VBNK 9.69 +0.06 (+0.62%) 9.69 9.68 861
EFU 7.2701 -0.0099 (-0.14%) 7.31 7.27 819
OAIA 20.61 -0.11 (-0.53%) 20.61 20.60 800
SDD 17.8393 +0.2128 (+1.21%) 17.8599 17.8393 765
CREV 11.03 -1.43 (-11.48%) 11.03 11.03 763
IMRN 2.32 +0.01 (+0.43%) 2.32 2.31 695
TRES 17.23 -0.01 (-0.06%) 17.24 17.23 473
BCG 4.7998 -0.0502 (-1.04%) 4.7998 4.7998 461
SZK 13.18 -0.30 (-2.23%) 13.18 13.17 400
DIT 155.29 +0.27 (+0.17%) 157.01 152.00 306
KFFB 3.48 -0.1213 (-3.37%) 3.48 3.48 266
EEV 16.9354 -0.1396 (-0.82%) 16.9354 16.8901 206
BEDZ 28.1812 -0.2138 (-0.75%) 28.1812 28.1812 193
SBB 15.7737 +0.0637 (+0.41%) 15.7737 15.7737 62
CPII 19.63 +0.12 (+0.62%) 19.63 19.63 18
NBSE 0.378 +0.00 (+0.00%) 0.378 0.378 0
CFFS 10.84 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.84 10.84 0
SWSS 10.52 +0.00 (+0.00%) 10.52 10.52 0