Ladder Bottom results

Technical stock screener for Ladder Bottom results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 01, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇓ Volume
MTB 146.13 +1.74 (+1.21%) 148.06 144.875 776,127
LKFN 60.66 +1.89 (+3.22%) 61.77 58.59 76,882
PRGS 50.11 +0.29 (+0.58%) 50.76 49.79 372,218
RNST 29.57 +0.51 (+1.75%) 30.33 29.36 205,984
TOWN 26.58 +0.71 (+2.74%) 26.97 26.10 225,278
PFC 19.94 +0.56 (+2.89%) 20.19 19.55 199,900
HBNC 12.17 +0.69 (+6.01%) 12.39 11.51 188,452
VLY 7.30 +0.29 (+4.14%) 7.43 7.04 8,352,561