Volume Below 1 Million (20 Day Av) results

Technical stock screener for Volume Below 1 Million (20 Day Av) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇑ Volume
NEU 546.89 +7.37 (+1.37%) 549.07 541.75 30,562
CHE 561.65 +2.00 (+0.36%) 566.28 556.88 70,751
TPL 561.62 +3.06 (+0.55%) 566.84 559.3132 44,029
MLM 591.03 +1.07 (+0.18%) 598.655 588.24 491,967
HUBS 600.27 +9.38 (+1.59%) 607.86 595.00 354,179
URI 666.66 +2.09 (+0.31%) 685.89 664.325 343,282
CTAS 674.04 +11.75 (+1.77%) 675.83 665.78 420,715
KLAC 696.59 +14.54 (+2.13%) 704.06 691.095 820,130
EQIX 700.18 +1.48 (+0.21%) 730.24 697.99 762,548
MPWR 707.22 -5.67 (-0.80%) 727.95 701.21 585,707
GHC 732.68 +6.87 (+0.95%) 737.02 730.22 11,737
BLK 763.91 +6.91 (+0.91%) 771.55 762.70 558,279
DECK 842.34 +9.71 (+1.17%) 845.19 828.75 223,833
COKE 853.40 +12.37 (+1.47%) 853.40 837.51 42,672
GWW 931.94 +8.04 (+0.87%) 936.46 926.52 129,810
REGN 957.00 +19.39 (+2.07%) 958.02 926.94 525,991
ORLY 1,012.95 +6.72 (+0.67%) 1,019.49 1,003.36 417,855
BH.A 1,011.00 +11.84 (+1.18%) 1,011.00 1,008.00 149
FICO 1,193.01 +27.66 (+2.37%) 1,204.54 1,176.4319 182,907
MTD 1,251.95 +2.07 (+0.17%) 1,272.90 1,251.36 95,337
TDG 1,293.80 +22.02 (+1.73%) 1,303.49 1,270.9273 238,023
MKL 1,581.06 +4.51 (+0.29%) 1,588.31 1,538.36 53,246
MELI 1,630.56 +124.57 (+8.27%) 1,680.00 1,617.00 1,346,802
FCNCA 1,710.00 -3.50 (-0.20%) 1,745.15 1,700.30 62,387
WTM 1,802.5699 -22.4301 (-1.23%) 1,825.50 1,800.00 12,854
AZO 2,952.20 -9.89 (-0.33%) 2,987.11 2,949.82 102,073
CMG 3,155.38 +13.39 (+0.43%) 3,176.40 3,148.84 269,495
SEB 3,220.01 -54.89 (-1.68%) 3,321.84 3,207.22 2,433
BKNG 3,577.38 +104.47 (+3.01%) 3,748.21 3,566.91 534,715
NVR 7,586.55 +107.54 (+1.44%) 7,684.97 7,495.24 15,561
BRK.A 603,000.00 -3,413.45 (-0.56%) 615,999.99 602,415.00 13,992