Piercing Pattern results

Technical stock screener for Piercing Pattern results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 07, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
SANW 0.425 +0.015 (+3.66%) 0.43 0.405 34,121
IPW 0.537 +0.017 (+3.27%) 0.5485 0.508 23,635
CNK 17.38 +0.37 (+2.18%) 17.41 16.682 2,397,730
OPOF 13.98 +0.21 (+1.53%) 14.57 13.71 3,154
CLDX 42.21 +0.56 (+1.34%) 43.35 40.20 911,674
BATRA 41.75 +0.29 (+0.70%) 41.86 41.32 36,262
TRMD 34.93 +0.21 (+0.60%) 35.00 34.40 654,561
BBC 28.10 +0.1411 (+0.50%) 28.10 27.72 10,443
MAGQ 23.5584 +0.1024 (+0.44%) 23.5584 23.42 666