Short Line Candle results

Technical stock screener for Short Line Candle results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
ZAPP 1.29 -0.01 (-0.77%) 1.359 1.28 73,500
ZBRA 317.89 -1.86 (-0.58%) 320.74 317.55 217,920
ZD 56.92 -0.585 (-1.02%) 57.51 56.75 231,849
ZG 43.35 -0.50 (-1.14%) 44.05 43.09 384,792
ZIG 37.5844 -0.3001 (-0.79%) 37.69 37.5844 905
ZIM 18.73 -0.23 (-1.21%) 19.13 18.57 3,705,689
ZION 44.96 +0.22 (+0.49%) 45.14 44.665 1,229,251
ZIP 9.89 -0.02 (-0.20%) 9.93 9.835 378,886
ZNTL 12.07 +0.11 (+0.92%) 12.26 11.62 493,200
ZS 178.86 -0.535 (-0.30%) 180.50 177.855 1,465,891
ZSB 16.5144 +0.3444 (+2.13%) 16.5144 16.5144 96
ZTEN 49.48 -0.126 (-0.25%) 49.49 49.48 202
ZTWO 49.93 -0.045 (-0.09%) 49.93 49.93 6
ZVIA 1.05 -0.02 (-1.87%) 1.10 1.04 63,960
ZYXI 10.88 -0.11 (-1.00%) 11.01 10.85 60,707