Price Crossed Below MA(7) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Below MA(7) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price ⇓ Change High Low Volume
BCDA 0.392 -0.0063 (-1.58%) 0.40 0.392 65,484
ICU 0.3863 -0.0184 (-4.55%) 0.412 0.3824 1,070,081
ASST 0.3635 -0.0213 (-5.54%) 0.3885 0.3622 50,794
VIRI 0.3514 -0.0516 (-12.80%) 0.4095 0.3507 907,710
ALCE 0.3426 -0.0114 (-3.22%) 0.354 0.3333 152,002
JOB 0.31 -0.019 (-5.78%) 0.33 0.31 95,167
BNZI 0.3092 -0.0158 (-4.86%) 0.334 0.3044 245,403
MWG 0.3054 -0.0092 (-2.92%) 0.3199 0.3054 21,005
SGN 0.301 -0.005 (-1.63%) 0.38 0.29 621,906
USAS 0.30 -0.0261 (-8.00%) 0.3404 0.30 3,861,332
KZIA 0.2822 -0.0068 (-2.35%) 0.2998 0.282 45,495
DPRO 0.265 -0.0504 (-15.98%) 0.294 0.2586 2,738,542
JAGX 0.2585 -0.0268 (-9.39%) 0.275 0.2583 58,064,970
OTRK 0.255 -0.0202 (-7.34%) 0.275 0.2517 899,334
ISPC 0.241 -0.019 (-7.31%) 0.33 0.2375 414,295
CLDI 0.2275 -0.0201 (-8.12%) 0.252 0.22 211,453
TKLF 0.2179 -0.0043 (-1.94%) 0.238 0.211 652,777
GETR 0.202 -0.008 (-3.81%) 0.2245 0.201 961,036
OPTT 0.1869 -0.0083 (-4.25%) 0.2067 0.1863 3,022,713
ISUN 0.1462 -0.0158 (-9.75%) 0.18 0.1441 5,185,718
NCPL 0.1315 -0.0482 (-26.82%) 0.1797 0.1314 10,660,588