Counterattack results

Technical stock screener for Counterattack results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 07, 2024.

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Symbol Price ⇓ Change High Low Volume
SGOV 100.38 +0.00 (+0.00%) 100.39 100.38 3,487,004
ITAN 28.0267 -0.0002 (+0.00%) 28.14 28.0267 4,733
EDN 20.20 +0.01 (+0.05%) 20.99 19.9601 122,657
SBFG 13.51 +0.01 (+0.07%) 14.20 13.51 8,370
NBXG 11.85 +0.00 (+0.00%) 11.945 11.81 214,851
LPA 8.50 +0.00 (+0.00%) 9.76 8.50 22,504
ECOR 7.02 +0.02 (+0.29%) 7.362 6.987 51,381
FMST 2.50 +0.00 (+0.00%) 2.62 2.25 29,719
EVOK 0.47 +0.00 (+0.00%) 0.5307 0.43 11,205