Most Volatile Stocks results

Technical stock screener for Most Volatile Stocks results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
CTOS 4.17 -0.73 (-14.90%) 4.34 3.605 2,392,718
TRUP 19.85 -3.93 (-16.53%) 24.48 19.69 2,330,524
VRME 1.60 -0.32 (-16.67%) 1.99 1.51 183,544
KOP 43.97 -8.94 (-16.90%) 51.60 43.95 328,293
FLJ 0.4227 -0.0885 (-17.31%) 0.5201 0.3732 342,460
TFFP 2.03 -0.44 (-17.81%) 2.67 2.01 85,519
MRNO 7.79 -1.77 (-18.51%) 10.60 7.50 53,457
RCAT 1.13 -0.28 (-19.86%) 1.41 1.05 3,463,186
CRDF 3.52 -0.96 (-21.43%) 4.42 3.12 2,160,660
ZAPP 1.91 -0.625 (-24.65%) 2.8701 1.8585 1,218,182
OMI 18.21 -6.30 (-25.70%) 23.87 17.89 3,026,300
UNIT 4.44 -1.59 (-26.37%) 5.79 4.17 21,005,487
STEM 1.36 -0.55 (-28.80%) 1.67 1.36 16,199,331
MNDR 3.39 -18.68 (-84.64%) 23.60 2.92 18,438,220