Three-Line Strike results

Technical stock screener for Three-Line Strike results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 02, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
SWTX 43.35 -3.49 (-7.45%) 47.62 41.21 3,515,470
DSGR 33.82 +1.50 (+4.64%) 34.89 31.11 79,438
ZIM 12.52 -0.84 (-6.29%) 13.56 12.29 4,886,151
LYRA 4.63 -0.62 (-11.81%) 5.26 4.58 582,604
NAT 3.96 +0.08 (+2.06%) 3.97 3.87 2,537,064
CLVR 1.73 +0.1895 (+12.30%) 1.75 1.52 137,902
QMCO 0.4349 -0.0501 (-10.33%) 0.49 0.4091 253,784