High-Wave Candle results

Technical stock screener for High-Wave Candle results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol ⇓ Price Change High Low Volume
ABT 105.90 -0.02 (-0.02%) 106.64 105.475 3,546,864
ABCB 49.82 +1.14 (+2.34%) 49.99 49.19 317,051
ABAT 1.37 +0.01 (+0.74%) 1.40 1.32 502,662
AAN 6.95 +0.16 (+2.36%) 7.05 6.88 151,037
AA 36.77 +0.83 (+2.31%) 37.20 36.25 4,899,326
A 139.45 +1.93 (+1.40%) 140.95 138.41 1,097,529