High-Wave Candle results

Technical stock screener for High-Wave Candle results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇑ High Low Volume
TECL 71.72 +5.45 (+8.22%) 72.44 70.88 3,926,843
NOVA 4.79 +0.37 (+8.37%) 5.25 4.68 15,059,310
ZDGE 2.62 +0.205 (+8.49%) 2.7699 2.52 72,436
ZBAO 3.60 +0.29 (+8.76%) 3.6999 3.33 3,856
OLED 170.82 +14.50 (+9.28%) 172.32 165.10 736,345
PEGR 9.50 +0.95 (+11.11%) 10.34 9.00 7,753