Consecutive Losers 3 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Consecutive Losers 3 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 07, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume
XPP 16.1854 -0.4246 (-2.56%) 16.31 16.15 12,225
YCL 22.12 -0.2385 (-1.07%) 22.25 22.11 30,050
YINN 25.87 -1.03 (-3.83%) 26.09 25.71 3,078,576
YLD 18.98 -0.0585 (-0.31%) 19.08 18.98 21,548
YMM 8.67 -0.09 (-1.03%) 8.70 8.4201 4,457,485
YOSH 3.75 -0.05 (-1.32%) 3.764 3.69 5,800
YTEN 4.83 -0.32 (-6.21%) 6.06 4.80 137,781
YUMC 37.30 -0.39 (-1.03%) 37.72 37.06 2,086,977
ZCAR 0.31 -0.0051 (-1.62%) 0.3283 0.31 89,752
ZH 0.6539 -0.0075 (-1.13%) 0.66 0.6487 1,040,649
ZJYL 3.25 -0.36 (-9.97%) 3.59 3.00 280,156