Price in +/- 3% Channel During Last 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Price in +/- 3% Channel During Last 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
KDRN 22.981 -0.174 (-0.75%) 23.01 22.981 1,970
BEDZ 28.1812 -0.2138 (-0.75%) 28.1812 28.1812 193
MIN 2.61 -0.02 (-0.76%) 2.64 2.61 116,700
ILTB 49.80 -0.40 (-0.80%) 50.02 49.79 329,213
FSEC 41.91 -0.34 (-0.80%) 41.92 41.91 400
IRAA 10.51 -0.09 (-0.85%) 10.51 10.51 102
WM 210.44 -1.805 (-0.85%) 212.54 209.12 1,739,272
SFBC 39.35 -0.34 (-0.86%) 39.35 39.35 1,153
ZBH 120.18 -1.06 (-0.87%) 121.30 119.555 1,136,973
RZG 48.12 -0.43 (-0.89%) 48.12 48.03 800
RORO 17.705 -0.165 (-0.92%) 17.764 17.69 1,200
KLIC 47.51 -0.45 (-0.94%) 48.22 47.215 328,158
XHR 14.69 -0.14 (-0.94%) 14.94 14.60 789,746
PZC 7.20 -0.07 (-0.96%) 7.28 7.18 43,800
SRBK 9.16 -0.09 (-0.97%) 9.25 9.16 8,842
CPBI 9.96 -0.10 (-0.99%) 10.00 9.96 6,370
GATE 10.60 -0.11 (-1.03%) 10.66 10.55 4,982
BETZ 17.46 -0.19 (-1.08%) 17.54 17.45 10,200
QOMO 10.88 -0.12 (-1.09%) 10.88 10.88 129
KDP 33.75 -0.39 (-1.14%) 34.07 33.715 6,118,874
OFLX 66.09 -0.84 (-1.26%) 67.415 65.98 9,330
ACI 20.62 -0.28 (-1.34%) 20.925 20.52 2,497,718
GAMC 10.87 -0.16 (-1.45%) 11.00 10.87 1,535
SNDR 22.12 -0.355 (-1.58%) 22.43 22.06 435,074
KF 24.02 -0.39 (-1.60%) 24.15 23.95 4,400
MARX 10.78 -0.19 (-1.73%) 10.78 10.78 355
WTMA 10.81 -0.23 (-2.08%) 10.81 10.81 200