Price Crossed Below MA(7) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Below MA(7) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
VIRI 0.3514 -0.0516 (-12.80%) 0.4095 0.3507 907,710
AXIL 9.69 -1.43 (-12.86%) 11.51 9.6816 33,097
ELWS 2.64 -0.40 (-13.16%) 2.99 2.63 70,784
SLE 1.32 -0.20 (-13.16%) 1.45 1.32 98,699
BRFH 1.64 -0.27 (-14.14%) 1.8132 1.62 49,961
CBRL 48.98 -8.265 (-14.44%) 51.74 48.1801 5,602,865
ABIO 3.33 -0.60 (-15.27%) 4.49 3.11 457,496
DPRO 0.265 -0.0504 (-15.98%) 0.294 0.2586 2,738,542
TARA 3.09 -0.62 (-16.71%) 3.74 2.95 798,115
DXC 16.52 -3.355 (-16.88%) 16.90 15.703 13,468,841
CHRO 1.75 -0.375 (-17.65%) 2.12 1.64 49,078
PZG 0.5088 -0.1156 (-18.51%) 0.6799 0.5088 1,269,397
BBLG 1.88 -0.43 (-18.61%) 2.2842 1.8299 241,247
SEEL 1.9001 -0.4599 (-19.49%) 2.40 1.84 234,265
WHLR 2.69 -0.6724 (-20.00%) 3.39 2.5123 129,456
TYGO 1.12 -0.295 (-20.85%) 1.4103 1.06 127,219
PWM 1.03 -0.28 (-21.37%) 1.28 0.97 542,419
LIDR 2.44 -0.73 (-23.03%) 2.9899 2.32 1,576,406
EDBL 3.48 -1.18 (-25.32%) 4.33 3.48 548,800
NCPL 0.1315 -0.0482 (-26.82%) 0.1797 0.1314 10,660,588
EJH 0.6979 -0.3321 (-32.24%) 0.8497 0.67 3,213,141