Price Crossed Below MA(7) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Below MA(7) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 16, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
VKTX 69.085 -8.925 (-11.44%) 76.79 68.40 7,452,505
ELTX 9.19 -1.21 (-11.63%) 10.71 8.50 173,603
HOLO 1.915 -0.265 (-12.16%) 2.115 1.825 21,107,030
RVP 0.9802 -0.1398 (-12.48%) 1.10 0.965 574,654
DFH 28.69 -4.16 (-12.66%) 32.00 28.685 721,145
NICE 198.54 -29.56 (-12.96%) 215.65 194.44 2,720,721
SMR 6.085 -0.925 (-13.20%) 7.24 5.86 7,112,011
AAMC 2.70 -0.43 (-13.74%) 2.86 2.655 48,483
VLCN 0.2878 -0.0476 (-14.19%) 0.324 0.2828 1,514,726
SUGP 2.52 -0.50 (-16.56%) 3.06 2.52 45,067
ICCM 0.9999 -0.2001 (-16.67%) 1.18 0.9999 1,188,915
SDOT 0.284 -0.0582 (-17.01%) 0.289 0.2721 205,810
CONL 38.97 -8.88 (-18.56%) 46.35 38.80 3,439,526
TIRX 2.81 -0.67 (-19.25%) 3.24 2.62 319,833
KULR 0.3735 -0.0931 (-19.95%) 0.407 0.337 8,271,565
OMER 3.31 -0.86 (-20.62%) 3.38 3.11 1,209,680
EYEN 0.8156 -0.2444 (-23.06%) 0.8694 0.8002 1,648,271
REKR 1.39 -0.43 (-23.63%) 1.725 1.36 5,887,785
SYTA 2.59 -0.89 (-25.57%) 3.49 2.59 551,714
GME 27.69 -11.86 (-29.99%) 35.19 27.60 71,416,640