Price Below Donchian Channels results

Technical stock screener for Price Below Donchian Channels results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for Apr 30, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇑
CHGG 5.17 -2.00 (-27.89%) 6.23 5.11 18,723,559
LUMN 1.19 -0.03 (-2.46%) 1.25 1.15 19,785,254
UBER 66.27 -1.13 (-1.68%) 68.5991 66.07 22,707,275
NYCB 2.65 -0.14 (-5.02%) 2.82 2.62 24,432,571
KVUE 18.82 -0.24 (-1.26%) 19.06 18.74 26,872,694
AKAN 0.093 +0.003 (+3.33%) 0.113 0.0853 30,568,074
IBIT 33.57 -2.30 (-6.41%) 35.01 33.545 40,873,031
SIRI 2.94 -0.23 (-7.26%) 3.14 2.92 41,922,619
RIG 5.22 -0.60 (-10.31%) 5.825 5.11 51,852,291
INTC 30.47 -0.89 (-2.84%) 31.175 30.42 72,323,691
SOFI 6.78 -0.265 (-3.76%) 6.89 6.61 78,411,585
WBD 7.36 -0.79 (-9.69%) 8.12 7.35 82,334,900