Momentum Rising Over 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Rising Over 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 01, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
HSY 193.70 -0.22 (-0.11%) 195.015 191.19 1,794,078
UHS 170.19 -0.24 (-0.14%) 172.95 168.29 1,161,938
LDOS 142.19 +1.97 (+1.40%) 142.90 138.60 1,950,253
DVA 139.75 +0.74 (+0.53%) 140.75 136.35 1,127,664
AZN 76.41 +0.53 (+0.70%) 76.80 75.96 4,911,684
VABK 28.49 +0.28 (+0.99%) 28.75 27.87 31,700
FLHK 17.05 +0.066 (+0.39%) 17.14 16.97 13,100
PAGS 12.32 -0.13 (-1.04%) 12.58 12.07 2,412,767
GRX 9.40 -0.01 (-0.11%) 9.49 9.32 25,800
GRRR 6.01 +0.23 (+3.98%) 6.1259 5.70 304,674
LPRO 5.13 +0.03 (+0.59%) 5.34 5.064 574,193
CASI 2.39 +0.036 (+1.53%) 2.43 2.30 5,733
ALLR 1.37 +0.10 (+7.87%) 1.44 1.15 717,869
PBM 1.20 +0.3006 (+33.42%) 1.41 0.885 5,819,237
MBOT 0.96 +0.0375 (+4.07%) 0.99 0.92 76,768
ASTI 0.0997 +0.0011 (+1.12%) 0.10 0.0912 976,710