Volume Up 10% to 25% from 30-Periods Avg results

Technical stock screener for Volume Up 10% to 25% from 30-Periods Avg results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 14, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
SWAG 1.29 -0.06 (-4.44%) 1.315 1.245 19,933
ADCT 4.04 -0.195 (-4.60%) 4.28 3.80 638,496
UFI 5.66 -0.275 (-4.63%) 5.93 5.65 79,986
LFLY 1.81 -0.09 (-4.74%) 1.9858 1.80 112,566
PARA 12.33 -0.67 (-5.15%) 13.36 11.89 29,621,006
QRTEA 0.7904 -0.0436 (-5.23%) 0.8591 0.7801 6,359,841
TTOO 4.16 -0.245 (-5.56%) 4.44 4.065 453,389
BIAF 1.87 -0.13 (-6.50%) 2.00 1.81 191,312
VWE 0.3262 -0.0248 (-7.07%) 0.35 0.2857 398,065
GNSS 2.00 -0.165 (-7.62%) 2.23 2.00 57,346
WULF 2.04 -0.19 (-8.52%) 2.08 1.91 15,225,300
WGS 21.35 -2.035 (-8.70%) 23.79 21.29 655,900
ALBT 0.27 -0.04 (-12.90%) 0.31 0.27 102,684
VNRX 0.75 -0.125 (-14.29%) 0.87 0.74 311,500
AEMD 0.8501 -0.1749 (-17.06%) 0.8985 0.80 888,668
CCLD 1.83 -0.46 (-20.09%) 2.60 1.78 3,631,272