Matching Low results

Technical stock screener for Matching Low results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 01, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇑ Volume
ITT 129.28 -0.06 (-0.05%) 130.56 128.415 723,076
ICE 128.68 -0.08 (-0.06%) 130.47 128.45 3,116,764
NUE 168.67 +0.14 (+0.08%) 172.05 167.725 1,255,367
MSGS 185.76 -0.16 (-0.09%) 187.495 185.46 162,513
BR 193.43 +0.02 (+0.01%) 196.11 192.86 333,705
LECO 219.33 -0.20 (-0.09%) 222.60 217.49 403,850
WDAY 244.96 +0.23 (+0.09%) 249.93 241.14 2,854,400
LAD 254.16 -0.22 (-0.09%) 260.63 251.59 266,573
HII 277.06 +0.13 (+0.05%) 279.2053 276.38 583,071
GPI 293.71 -0.31 (-0.11%) 298.43 290.97 114,940
ASR 344.84 +0.34 (+0.10%) 346.275 337.32 49,864
WINA 359.30 -0.02 (-0.01%) 364.20 359.30 17,193
RACE 415.94 +0.24 (+0.06%) 421.58 414.31 109,895
GWW 920.30 -1.05 (-0.11%) 931.79 918.9601 245,585