Harami Cross Pattern results

Technical stock screener for Harami Cross Pattern results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
QURE 5.01 -0.06 (-1.18%) 5.0601 4.9399 372,197
IBOT 43.6845 -0.5955 (-1.34%) 43.6845 43.665 660
ALLK 1.44 -0.02 (-1.37%) 1.46 1.36 468,818
TASK 15.04 -0.21 (-1.38%) 15.21 14.90 132,094
BCLI 0.5201 -0.0079 (-1.50%) 0.553 0.49 771,737
BIVI 0.4918 -0.008 (-1.60%) 0.4999 0.4883 220,840
TROO 1.013 -0.017 (-1.65%) 1.09 0.9999 21,224
WVVI 4.21 -0.09 (-2.09%) 4.36 4.21 1,210
BOLD 9.67 -0.245 (-2.47%) 10.005 9.43 92,480
NUKK 0.90 -0.0299 (-3.22%) 0.95 0.87 120,628
TRVN 0.4045 -0.0135 (-3.23%) 0.4357 0.4001 42,880
LTRY 1.84 -0.10 (-5.15%) 1.85 1.7289 8,704
CNFR 0.8797 -0.1157 (-11.62%) 0.9398 0.8797 7,924