Momentum Rising Over 3 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Rising Over 3 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 01, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
NEXI 3.18 -0.18 (-5.36%) 3.35 3.15 10,544
PRTG 0.23 -0.0131 (-5.39%) 0.2609 0.23 33,105
ARTL 1.30 -0.0755 (-5.49%) 1.39 1.2602 12,931
VERB 0.1455 -0.0094 (-6.07%) 0.1485 0.1426 3,085,247
AUGX 2.53 -0.18 (-6.64%) 2.79 2.50 884,632
RENB 1.47 -0.11 (-6.96%) 1.61 1.45 451,282
PLAG 0.19 -0.0147 (-7.18%) 0.204 0.19 32,818
ALRN 4.16 -0.39 (-8.57%) 4.50 3.70 483,852
XTIA 2.20 -0.35 (-13.73%) 2.44 1.75 915,233
NUWE 0.133 -0.0214 (-13.86%) 0.155 0.125 2,892,488
RWOD 6.20 -1.20 (-16.22%) 7.40 5.80 44,616