Bollinger Bands Expanding results

Technical stock screener for Bollinger Bands Expanding results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 15, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change ⇓ High Low Volume
EEV 17.17 -0.343 (-1.96%) 17.23 17.17 500
RPID 0.8099 -0.0181 (-2.19%) 0.869 0.8099 19,397
DRVN 11.27 -0.26 (-2.25%) 11.65 11.24 1,191,591
GVA 62.49 -1.53 (-2.39%) 63.73 61.20 620,499
PPYA 11.21 -0.29 (-2.52%) 11.30 11.21 1,145
AXTA 35.57 -0.97 (-2.65%) 36.76 35.47 2,849,677
MYGN 24.66 -0.70 (-2.76%) 25.65 24.63 1,410,760
IPI 25.03 -0.79 (-3.06%) 26.28 24.85 182,055
CRCT 7.23 -0.25 (-3.34%) 7.48 7.17 652,590
EP 6.61 -0.25 (-3.64%) 6.92 6.50 36,006
LYRA 0.3558 -0.0162 (-4.35%) 0.3745 0.3467 2,386,473
ENVX 9.34 -0.44 (-4.50%) 9.985 9.07 5,563,913
PBI 5.46 -0.26 (-4.55%) 5.78 5.38 2,733,887
SNCY 11.01 -0.56 (-4.84%) 11.695 11.00 424,766
AMRC 28.05 -1.93 (-6.44%) 30.96 27.68 670,151
BON 2.54 -0.21 (-7.64%) 2.7052 2.50 18,845
CYCC 2.44 -0.40 (-14.08%) 2.81 2.3005 164,959
BURU 0.1115 -0.0199 (-15.14%) 0.1392 0.11 4,775,300
GME 39.55 -9.20 (-18.87%) 42.35 31.00 131,790,064
KOSS 4.97 -1.18 (-19.19%) 5.24 4.21 2,973,965
NNVC 1.80 -0.46 (-20.35%) 2.25 1.78 354,236
MTC 7.05 -1.85 (-20.79%) 9.00 5.61 938,789
GV 0.4307 -0.1403 (-24.57%) 0.5898 0.43 703,290